How Popular Foods Benefit Our Health

Despite the various changes in the field of medicine and the way we eat, nutritionists and health experts believe that certain foods can still help improve our health, similar to a sport bonus that raises the gamblers’ mood. According to them, consuming healthy food can lower our risk of chronic diseases and cancer.

Although it’s important to eat healthy food, choosing the right food for each and every health benefit can be challenging. These are some of the healthiest food options.


Aside from being a good source of vitamin E, almonds also contain other nutrients such as magnesium and copper. They can help lower our chances of getting cancer and chronic diseases.


Besides being nutritious, apples can also help improve our health by being filled with nutrients that are good for our overall well-being. They contain various nutrients such as vitamin C and dietary fiber.
Studies have shown that eating enough apples can lower our chances of developing dementia and stroke.


Arugula is famous for being nutritious, arugula also has high levels of nitrate, which can help lower blood pressure and improve our breathing.

Arugula also has high levels of nutrients that can help lower our risk of osteoporosis and cancer. It can also help improve our muscle oxygenation during exercise.


Asparagus has high levels of nutrients that can help lower our risk of developing kidney stones and diabetes. It can also help lower our blood pressure and balance our body’s fluid balance.


Aside from being low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium, bananas also contain high levels of potassium, which can help lower our blood pressure.


Aside from being nutritious, basil also has high levels of nutrients that can help lower our risk of getting cancer and chronic diseases.


Besides being nutritious, beets have also been referred to as the “new superfood” due to their various health benefits. According to numerous studies, drinking a cup of juice and beets can improve our athletic performance.

High levels of nitrate can lead to an increase in nitric oxide in our bodies.
Aside from being high in folate and manganese, beets are also filled with other nutrients such as vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.


Broccoli is known to contain high levels of nutrients, such as vitamin C and vitamin A as well as it is mega nutritious.

Studies also suggest that drinking broccoli can help lower our risk of various chronic diseases, such as diabetes and arthritis. It can protect us from harmful ultraviolet radiation.


Also nutritious, carrots are also filled with high levels of vitamin A and can help lower our chances of getting various chronic diseases. They can also help prevent leukemia cells from spreading.


Although it’s low in calories, it also contains high levels of nutrients such as minerals and vitamins.


Despite the negative reputation of dark chocolate, it’s known to be contained high levels of antioxidants, which help lower our risk of chronic diseases.
Being healthy and low in cholesterol is also beneficial for our bodies. Getting enough chocolate can also help lower our blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


In the US, the leaves and seeds of the cilantro plant are called cilantro. Aside from being nutritious, cilantro also helps to lower our risk for chronic diseases and promote healthy skin and hair.


One of the most commonly used natural sources of antioxidants in the US is coffee. Drinking coffee can lower the risk of various chronic illnesses such as diabetes and Parkinson’ disease.

Collard Greens

A type of leafy green called collard green is known to contain a wide range of nutrients. It also has vitamin K and other nutrients.

Aside from being good for bone health, eating collard greens aids to lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It also helps lower blood sugar levels.

FoodsFruitshealthy foodsvegetables