5 Scary Horror Movies to Watch on Hotstar

You’re in for a treat if you like spine-tingling suspense, mystical beings, and heart-pounding thrills. Hotstar provides an outstanding selection of horror films. They will undoubtedly keep you on the edge of your seat. Hotstar has something for everyone, whether you’re looking for scary supernatural tales or psychological nightmares that will make you doubt reality. So grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and prepare to be terrified by these five terrifying horror movies to watch on Hotstar.

5 Scary Horror Movies to Watch on Hotstar:
The Night House (2020)

Beth, a young widow, is mourning the suicide death of her husband, Owen. She copes with the pain on her own by sifting through her deceased husband’s stuff in their lake house. Trying to make sense of his confusing suicide note, which said, “You were right. There is nothing. Nothing is after you. You’re safe now.”

The Night House takes you on a twisting journey as Beth tries to piece together the mysteries her husband left behind. As the plot progresses, it grows more grim and gloomy, and Beth finds herself fighting a violent otherworldly creature. Rebecca Hall gives an exceptional performance as the protagonist who is bereaved. It transforms this into one of the best horror films ever made. The eerie atmosphere is enhanced by David Bruckner’s direction and Ben Lovett’s evocative music.

Ezra (2017)

Ranjan Matthew, a nuclear waste management expert, and Priya Raghuram relocated from Mumbai to Kochi. Priya discovers an antique box with an inscription in Hebrew, which unleashes a wicked ghost that causes havoc in their life.

The Indian Malayalam-language film Ezra is inspired by the Hollywood film The Possession. This film, directed by Jay K. and featuring Rahul Raj’s music and Sushun Shyam’s background score, gives a unique take on horror. It’s a riveting and mysterious story that avoids clichés, making it a must-see for every horror fan.

Antlers (2021)

Julia, a school teacher in a tiny town in Oregon, grows concerned about her student Lucas, suspecting he is a victim of domestic violence. The truth, however, is far more dark, as a demonic mythological creature known as the Wendigo corrupts Lucas’ family.

Antlers, directed by Scott Cooper and produced by Guillermo del Toro, is a visually spectacular picture with excellent acting. It digs into horrific figures from mythology and folklore, making it a must-see for anyone who enjoys such stories.

The Empty Man (2020)

The plot opens with a group of kids uncovering a gigantic skeleton in Bhutan, which sets off a chain of horrific events. The story then changes to retired officer James Lasombra. He is investigating the disappearance of a teenager called Amanda and comes across the tale of “The Empty Man.”

This film, directed by David Prior, is based on a comic book by Cullen Bunn and Vanesa R. Del Ray and offers a slow-burn horror experience. Although it did not do well in theatres, it has developed a devoted audience since its OTT distribution.

The Sixth Sense (1999)

Cole Sear, a young man, has a secret: he can see and speak with the souls of the dead. Malcolm Crowe, a child psychologist, is tasked with assisting him, but things take an unexpected turn.

The Sixth Sense, directed and written by M. Night Shyamalan, is a timeless classic that transcends beyond scares. It’s a moving and heartbreaking story that will leave you emotionally unsettled by the end.

So there you have it—five scary horror films to watch on Hotstar. These flicks will keep you fascinated and terrified, whether you enjoy otherworldly thrills or psychological chills. Just keep the lights on and a box of tissues available for those heartbreaking moments!

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