Steps To Create The Perfect Morning Routine

No matter how cliché it sounds, it’s a well-known universal fact that the perfect morning leads to a perfect day. With everyone running behind the clock in their busy schedule, it is obvious to feel like it is hard to have the ideal morning routine. One might think that it requires a lot of effort and planning along with some crazy expenses, but thanks to the tips listed below, it takes little to no effort to start your perfect morning routine from scratch.

• Start your day with positive statements while staying in bed! Visualizing how you want your day to go and saying ‘I want…’ statements out loud every morning will boost your confidence and give you the energy to go ahead with your day.
• Regardless of how much time you have in the morning to get ready for work or school, set aside a good 10 minutes for a soulful coffee or tea break. Be it a cold brew, sweet tea, or bitter and black coffee, ensure that you sit for a while sipping your drink and processing your thoughts for the day.

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• Another way to look forward to morning routines is to have your skincare routine or beauty routine handy. Take inspiration from your favourite social media influencers or your mom’s homemade recipes to pamper yourself every morning because happy skin leads to a happy you!
• With a busy day ahead, take a part of your morning routine to make checklists for the day to stay organized throughout the day. You can either add tasks to your list or simply ensure that your old lists are all ticked off.
• Even though you would’ve heard this a hundred times, it is crucial never to skip your breakfast. As the most important meal of the day, make a hearty and delicious breakfast. If your someone with less time on their hands, you can always meal prep the previous night to have breakfast ready on the go!
• It’s definitely hard to do a complete one-hour workout routine every morning so start slow with a few stretches right after waking up and slowly build it up to a 20-minute session at least. Your workout doesn’t have to be a series of serious exercises, just jump around to music or skip rope for a while, and you’re set.

These tiny changes to your morning will definitely lead to more significant differences in the long run. Apart from these super quick steps to start off your morning routine, other things you can include are creating a morning playlist and vibing until you start your work for the day, as good music really puts you in a great mood. Few products you can invest in for a morning routine are, hands down, a bathroom charger to save time and charge your gadgets efficiently and a jade roller if you want a complex yet short skincare routine. I hope these steps help you step into the morning routine you want and deserve; happy future mornings!

Coffeeexercisemorning routinewaking up early