5 Popular Drinks You Should Avoid This Season


Earth has been experiencing stronger heat waves than the last summer. So, we would definitely feel thirstier often and our body would like to have fluids than solids. When summer is here, we would stock-up our refrigerator with favorite drinks. However, you should watch your drinking as same as what you are eating. So, here is the list of drinks that you gotta stop sipping during summer.

ENERGY DRINKS: Who else does not like to have energy drinks? Energy drinks are loaded with sweeteners and caffeine and when you consume it more, it would cause abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, seizures, anxiety, and changes in mood. Even the sugar in energy drinks could cause changes in the blood sugar level.

FRESH JUICES: Though it is a well-known fact that juices have several benefits which fresh fruits and veggies incorporate, they lack in the healthy fiber. The lack of healthy fiber would allow the remaining sugar in the drink to increase your blood sugar. However, this could be avoided when we eat a whole of fresh fruit.

SODA: Soda is known for its extra calories, carbohydrates, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup. This would in turn pave the path to obesity. With the addition of phosphoric acid, soda drinks could cause calcium-deficiency and create cavities as it is amalgamated with sugar and acid.

LEMONADE: The truth behind many lemonade drinks is that it does not contain actual lemons but then it is full of sugar and lemon flavor. Doesn’t that sound worse? Even though lemonade contains vitamin C which protects you from diseases it is less than your body’s requirement. Well, it is better to avoid it as the drink would increase blood sugar.

COFFEE-BASED DRINKS: Well, coffee-based sweet drinks such as a blended frappe or a frappuccino are undeniably high in calories which you might have already known. Additionally, they also contain caffeine and saturated fat from milk and cream. Think before you have a sip!

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