The Unbelievable Natural Remedy for Common Illness You Never Knew


Onions are a great antiseptic and antibiotic agents. It helps fight off free radicals that cause chronic diseases, like cancer. The World Health Organization recognizes onions as a good way to relieve respiratory infections, bronchitis, cough, and congestion.

Below are some healthy ways in which you can use onions for common ailments:

Cough: Peel and slice an onion into two halves and top it with a tablespoon of brown sugar on each slice cover and leave it aside for an hour. Eat this relish twice a day to get rid of your cough. The sulfur in onions has anti-bacterial properties that kill cough-causing microbes.

Loosen Chest Congestion: Crush up an onion and make a paste by adding some coconut oil. Coat your chest with the paste and cover it with a dishtowel. Onions work like a natural antibiotic and strengthen the immune system. The vapors that onion give off also work as an expectorant to loosen the mucus in your chest that causes coughing.

Soothe a Colic Baby: To soothe a colic baby give them a teaspoon of onion tea every hour until they are calm. The onion has properties that will relax muscles, strengthen the stomach, and regulate digestion.

Onion Inner 1

Soothe a Bug Bite: To soothe a bug bite place a piece of onion or some fresh onion juice onto it. The anti-inflammatory properties of an onion will reduce inflammation and discomfort from the insect bite.

Ear Infection: Chop up an onion and put it inside of a thin sock and tie it closed. Put the sock over your ear and hold it in place with a hat. Leave it on until the pain goes away.

Cuts: Use the film of your onion skin for a cut. This will work as an antiseptic agent that stops bleeding quickly. The antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties help to heal the wound, while the antimicrobial properties will prevent it from getting infected.

Soothe a Sore Throat: Make a decoction from onion skin and water. Drink a little and gargle. If you can’t bear the taste add some lemon and honey to it. The anti-inflammatory properties in onion will reduce the pain and inflammation in your throat.

Vomiting: Take an onion grate it and squeeze the juice out with the help of cheesecloth. Brew some peppermint tea and let it cool. Drink two teaspoons of the onion juice and wait five minutes. Then drink two teaspoons of peppermint tea. Repeat this until you stop vomiting.

Cleanse the Air: An onion will purify the air by sucking out bacteria and viruses of the air and absorbing it.

Treat Sun or Minor Burns: Rub some fresh onion on your burn to prevent infection. The sulphuric compounds will speed skin regeneration and reduce burning and redness.

Fever:  Cut Onion into thin slices. Pour some coconut oil on the bottom of your feet and apply the thin onion slices onto the arch of each foot. Wrap your foot with plastic wrap and with a sock. The onion will draw out toxins, bacteria, and sickness from the body overnight.

Fight Hair Loss: Put an onion with water boil it and use that water as a pre-shampoo rinse to help fight hair loss and grow out your hair. Its antimicrobial properties will stop dandruff and promote new growth, while the antioxidants will stop hair loss and also help it to grow stronger and fuller.

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