The Most ‘Unwonted Indian Fruits’ With Distinct Qualities


The Rarest Fruits incorporated with distinct qualities!

Rare fruits that flash your childhood days!

Wolf down the names of unfamiliar Indian fruits and their eccentric qualities.

We might have come across varieties of fruits but then some unique fruits might not have heard about. As India is the world’s second-largest producer of fruits, it has been the home for different types of rare fruits. Nevertheless, some of us could have come across the rare Indian fruits while they purchasing veggies or fruits at the market. But only a few of them are delicious to your taste buds and do exist really. Meanwhile, these plants would amaze you with their appearance and their taste too. India, being the home to diverse fruit species, it has several unwonted fruits which are plucked from the wild part of the country and mostly consumed by the locals of the place. Some fruits might remind you of your childhood days. Let’s check out a few unique Indian fruits.

CAMACHILE OR KODUKKAPULI: Otherwise known as jungli jalebi, the greenish pink Kodukkapuli consists of about 6 to 10 black seeds that are embedded in a thick sweet pulp. It is mostly seen growing in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and West Bengal. The name of the fruits is enough to drag all the past childhood days where you would go out to get these edible pulps with your pals. The seeds of the fruit are used in preparing curries. As the spiral shape of fruit resembles the Indian sweet jalebi, the fruit has been named as jungle jalebi.

BUDDHA’S HAND OR FINGERED CITRON: Surprisingly, most of us would not have come across this fruit. The finger-shaped fruit appears as pulpy yellow tentacles that are lengthened. And that’s how the fruit acquired its name as Buddha’s hand. This elongated fruit is known for its fragrance and tangy with a fresh whiff. It is grown in the northeastern part of India and also in China. There is also a saying that back in 400 AD, Buddhist monks carried the fruit to China from India.

LOTKA OR LANGAST: Also known as Langash, the fruit is small and pulpy in orb shape and is mostly found in South India. There has been a massive demand for this fruit which is sour taste when unripe whereas it is completely sweet when fully ripe. It somehow resembles the taste of the grapefruit.

CHALTA OR ELEPHANT APPLE: The name is well-suited because the wild elephants are fond of this rare fruit. They blossom in the wet soil and humid atmosphere as well as in the semi-tropical forests. Locals use the unripe fruits for preparing pickles or chutney but not valued for their pulpy and sweet taste. Did you know it is prohibited fruits to pluck? Why? Because so many animals such as monkeys, deer, and elephants feed on them. Mostly seen growing in Assam, Kolkata, Bihar, and Odisha.

BILIMBI OR TREE SORREL: From the family of star fruit, Tree Sorrels are bright green and acidic with a tangy taste. Those who are fond of bilimbis would prepare a lemonade kind of drink to revitalize and they are used to prepare chutneys, pickles, and jams. These greenish bilimbis are seen growing in Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Goa as well. Being acidic, the fruit is first perforated and well-saturated in the saltwater for a short period before consuming it in any form.

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