9 Amazing Health And Beauty Benefits of Musk Melon


We all know and have eaten this fruit, especially during summer but we may not know the health benefits associated with this delicious fruit. Below are the amazing benefits of Cantaloupe / Muskmelon.    

For weight loss: Muskmelon is 95% of water content and also loaded with fiber this can be used for weight loss purpose. When you eat muskmelon it gives a tendency of a full stomach and also dispirits the desire of eating more. Apart from this, the fruit is linked with no fat,  no cholesterol, fewer calories, and sugar. If you are looking to lose weight, start with this summer fruit.

For Healthy Skin: This fruit is good for beauty and skin problems. Besides, it’s water content, it’s also known for anti-oxidants, vitamin A & C, all these facilitate glowing skin.

Cantaloupe Inner 1


For Hair: Muskmelon keeps the entire body hydrated. With iron and other nutrients, this fruit is good for hair.

Treats kidney stone: The abundance of water content in this fruit helps to release toxins from the kidney as well as the body. Oxykine, a biochemical substance which is present in this fruit, prevents kidney stone and other kidney disorders are present in this fruit.

Good during pregnancy: Cantaloupe has a suitable amount of folic acid, which prevents water retention by excreting excess amount of sodium. It also prevents birth defects and assures healthy baby development.

Muskmelon for a healthy heart: It is having potassium that is good for cardiac problems. The presence of adenosine in Cantaloupe makes blood thinning and reduces the chances of heart attack and strokes.

Improves immunity: Plenty of Vitamin C develops our immunity. It stimulates the White Blood Cells to fight against virus, bacteria, and infections.

Improves eye vision: The adequate amount of vitamin A and carotene is good for eyes, eye vision and prevent many eye-related disorders i.e. cataract. Eases menstrual cramps: This is fruit is associated with anticoagulant properties which are good for menstrual cramps. It helps to ease cramps by dissolving clots.

Eases menstrual cramps: This is fruit is associated with anticoagulant properties which are good for menstrual cramps. It helps to ease cramps by dissolving clots.

Nutrition Facts: The  nutritional values in one cup of muskmelon  are as follows: Calories (53),  No fat, No cholesterol, No saturated fat, Carbohydrate (12g), Protein (1g), Dietary fiber (1g), Sodium (23mg), Vitamin A (5276 IU), Folic acid (22 mg), Niacin (1mg), Vitamin C (57mg), Calcium (14mg), Magnesium (19mg), Potassium (417mg) and Carotenoids (3, 219mg).

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