5 Astonishing health benefits of curry leaves you must know


Curry leaves are known for several health benefits as the plant has been infused with multiple essential nutrients. Traditionally used in Indian cuisine, Curry leaves are known for its aroma which it provides for the dishes. It would complete the dish with the perfect traditional touch. It has been known with different names in different regions. Due to the presence of essential nutrients such as copper, minerals, calcium, phosphorous, fiber, carbohydrates, energy, magnesium and iron, vitamins A, B, C, and E and amino acids, curry leaves are must add one to build your body healthily.

MANAGES THE BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL: Curry leaves are helpful in maintaining your blood sugar levels, thereby affecting the insulin activity in the body. Loaded with fiber, curry leaves are great in managing your blood sugar levels. It is also helpful in enhancing the digestion and helps you to lose weight. In order to maintain your blood sugar level, you just have to add curry leaves in your daily diet. Even consuming fresh curry leaves on an empty stomach would be highly beneficial in maintaining the blood sugar levels.

PREVENTS HEART DISEASES: The presence of several essential properties would assist you in reducing the blood cholesterol levels. Since curry leaves are rich in antioxidants, it is good in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol as well as increases the good cholesterol levels in the blood. Hence, it prevents you from the risk of getting heart diseases and atherosclerosis.

GREAT FOR EYESIGHT: Being a great source of vitamin A, Curry leaves are helpful in providing good and healthy eyesight. A type of Vitamin A called carotenoids in curry leaves are helpful in protecting the cornea. Due to the deficiency of vitamin A, there would be conditions such as night blindness, cloud formations in front of the eye, and even the loss of vision in some cases.

PREVENTS LIVER DAMAGE: Your liver could be damaged due to several unhealthy habits but it could be cured and prevented with the help of curry leaves. It helps in protecting your liver from oxidative stress and harmful toxins which helps in building up your body, as per the studies. This is because of the presence of kaempferol which is an antioxidant in the curry leaves. When vitamin A and C joins with kaempferol, it could be beneficial in protecting the liver and maintains better liver function. To detoxify your liver, you have to heat one tablespoon of ghee with a cup of curry leaves juice and a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of black pepper. Do not heat the mixture too much but slightly and have it to get rid of the toxins from the body.

ALLEVIATES THE CONGESTION IN THE NOSE AND CHEST: Curry leaves have been used as a home remedy to reduce the congestion in the chest and nose. Since curry leaves are packed with vitamins and antioxidants along with anti-inflammatory properties, they are helpful in loosening up and alleviating the congested mucous in the chest and nose. All you have to do is to take a tablespoon of powdered curry leaves and add a tablespoon of honey to it and mix it until you get a paste. Now, consume it twice a day to lower the congestion in the chest and nose.

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