3 Most Easy Home Remedies To Alleviate Red Spots on Face


Red spots are nothing but are usually itchy, painful, swollen, fluid-filled, or scars which might not hurt or change. You might have heard noticed red spots on your face or on some other’s faces. However, these small red spots on the skin could be occurred due to acne and pimples, birthmarks, rosacea, blood spots, hives and rashes, insect bites, measles, and allergies. When it is in moderate form, you could treat it with the help of home remedies. But if it is prolonged and worsened, then you have to consult a doctor. Now, let’s check out the following home remedies to alleviate red spots naturally.

COCONUT OIL: Coconut oil would never cease to do magic to your skin. It is the foremost natural medicine for any skin issue as it contains anti-inflammatory and skin protective benefits. All you have to do is to clean your skin with soap and water and pat it dry. Now, massage your skin with a few drops of coconut oil and keep it overnight. You could do it every night before bed.

ALOE VERA: Aloe vera is great for your skin as it is great in healing and soothing properties. Just slice the aloe leaf in half and scoop out the gel and apply it to the red spots. You should also massage it for a minute or two and then leave it for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse it off with water and do it twice a day. It would turn your skin healthy and glowing as well.

LEMON JUICE: Like aloe vera, lemon is also the best for the skin due to the presence of skin bleaching properties. All you have to do is to squeeze out some fresh lemon juice and apply it to the affected area using the cotton ball. Now, leave it for 5 minutes and rinse it off with water and pat dry and moisturize as well. You could apply it twice a day and if your skin is sensitive, then you have to add water to lemon juice before applying it.

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