6 Indoor Plant Myths You Should Stop Believing From Today


Myths are just myths and no facts. While we have believed several myths considering it to be mere facts, we should try to know beyond this. When everything is bounded along with the myths, we must have adapted to it and have it as a part of our life. Similarly, we have some notions about plant care which would make us believe it completely right. Howbeit, some of the ideas are not true while growing plants indoors when they actually start as a beginner-gardener. So, now check out the following common indoor plant myths which you should know before starting your planter life.

NEEDS DIRECT SUNLIGHT TO GROW: Not every indoor plant needs direct sunlight to multiply and grow. But some indoor plants love to grow under shade as they would be affected by direct sunlight when exposed. So, you do not need to think about the sunlight for growing indoor plants.

NEEDS HIGH HUMIDITY TO BLOOM: Even if most indoor plants are naturally from a humid atmosphere, it could also be able to thrive in low humidity as to when they get enough moisture from the roots. However, indoor plants are commonly available with the ability to adapt even to the very dry atmosphere inside the four walls.

GROWS AND MULTIPLIES IN BIGGER POTS: The plants which grow fast would be kept in potbound as the roots of the plants would make use of the pot entirely. Meanwhile, the plants which are often repotted would use their energy to grow more roots by neglecting the leaves and flowers. Even the plants that fit in large pots would also cause root rot.

PLANT FOODS BENEFIT AILING PLANTS: When a plant is growing vibrantly and healthy it could be known to be using the necessary nutrients from the soil. However, you should never take plant foods or fertilizers to be medicine for plants and you could not compel plants to use more nutrients more than their need. This is because excessive nutrients could be stored in the soil and burn tender roots and even leads to discoloration of leaves. So, ailing plants could only absorb fewer nutrients when compared to healthy plants.

OVER-WATERING LEADS TO YELLOW LEAVES AND BROWN TIPS: You might think that over-watering would be the reason for yellow leaves and brown tips. But these signs could have several other reasons such as too little water, inadequate light, excessive fertilizer, hard water, and poor soil quality as well.

PLANT PESTS COULD ONLY BE REMOVED BY CHEMICAL PESTICIDES: You should never think that plant pests could only be eliminated by chemical pesticides. This is a wrong assumption which is why it is known to be just a myth. You could also handle some treatments including products like dish soap, rubbing alcohol, horticultural oils, sand, sticky traps, diatomaceous earth, and hot pepper as well. They could be effective in the case of plant pests.

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