7 Power Packed Healthy Benefits of Eating Onions You Never Knew Before


While onions are available in several varieties with different colors such as red, yellow, sweet, green, leeks, and white, they could be the best vegetable of all. Being cultivated all over the world, there could not be any dishes that would be prepared without onions. Though they inhabit this strong pungent flavor, you could never ignore it as it has been proffering several health benefits. When it comes to bulb onions or the common ones, they have short stems along with fleshy leaves. In this context, we are talking about these common onions which are loaded with vitamins C and B6, folate, iron, potassium, and antioxidants. Be it raw or cooked, bulb onions are a shelling of super-healthy compounds. Slicing few onions and adding them to your daily dishes or consuming them in the raw form, onions could help you from weight loss to curing digestive issues. So, let’s check out the following health benefits of eating onions.

BOOSTS IMMUNE SYSTEM: The presence of selenium in onions would simply give a boost to your immune function. It has also been considered as herbal medicine to treat both cold and flu in several other countries. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties present in onions would prevent asthma and ease its effect. You could have onion tea to boost your immunity to treat colds or you could simply munch on the raw onions or in the cooked form.

ENHANCES THE CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH: The flavonoids of onions would help develop cardiovascular health. The great source of organosulfur in onions would avert heart-related diseases. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of onions would regulate heart health and manage cholesterol levels as well.

REDUCES THE BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS: According to the study, the extract from onions could be beneficial in reducing blood sugar levels. You might have even heard that onions would purify the blood, aren’t you? Well, it could also curb the higher blood sugar level along with the help of quercetin present in onions. Try eating raw onions even if it strong with their pungent flavor.

COMBATS CANCER: Did you know red onions are beneficial in warding off breast and colon cancer cells? Yes, onions contain high levels of quercetin and anthocyanin which would destroy the cancer cells. So, why not including red onions in your dishes or pizzas or burgers?

AVERTS THE FORMATION OF BLOOD CLOTS: The formation of blood clots could easily be prevented by eating onions as it has an effective compound called rutin. This is because the compound would help you shut down an enzyme that is blamed for the formation of blood clots.

STIMULATES HEALTHY DIGESTION: The high fiber content of onions could be helpful for better bowel movement thereby maintaining healthy digestion. Onions are naturally known to be prebiotic veggies which would relieve constipation and keeps your tummy happy as well as healthy.

DEVELOPS BETTER SLEEP: Since onions are great in prebiotics, it could be extremely helpful in easing your stress and offers better sleep. As the fiber content could promote gut health, it would release metabolic byproducts. Hence, these byproducts would have a greater impact on your brain function and make it enjoy better and quality rest with amazing snooze.

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