4 Most Amazing Natural Home Remedies For Smooth Hands

Your dry hands would make you feel irritated and it could be caused due to various factors, and even due to the weather changes. But you could overcome this with several home remedies, and this is because it would make your hands much softer and smoother as well. So, here are a few natural remedies that could be available in your kitchen itself.

VASELINE: All you have to do is to apply a thin layer of Vaseline to both hands before bedtime. Then, you have to wear a pair of light cotton gloves and go to bed and you could do this every night. This is because Vaseline contains a better moisturizing effect on your skin.

EGG YOLK: Now, you have to whisk the egg yolk well, and then apply it to your hands. Leave it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes. Later rinse it with mild soap and water to alleviate the foul smell from your hands. Since egg yolks are rich in lecithin, they could be useful for conditioning the skin.

COCONUT OIL: Well, apply coconut oil to both your hands and wear a pair of gloves to help the oil penetrate your skin. Now leave it on overnight or for a couple of hours. You could follow this once or twice daily. Coconut oil contains emollient properties which would be helpful in skin hydration and increases lipid levels on the skin surface.

ALOE VERA: Just extract a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and blend the gel and apply it to your hands. Now leave it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse it off, and refrigerate the remaining gel for later use. However, aloe vera is rich in polysaccharides which could be helpful to moisturize your skin.

4 Most Amazing Natural Home Remedies For Smooth Hands
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