Released on 7th September, Jawan was out in multiple languages, with a massive bang. Not only do the fans and film goers but also the celebrities join the review club. From filmmaker Karan Johar to Tollywood Star Mahesh Babu, Indian stars have been sharing their reviews about the film. With the record-breaking opening of 129.6 crores in the history of Hindi Cinema, Shah Rukh Khan-starrer, Jawan, has been receiving positive reviews worldwide. This article is a blend of Jawan review and what to expect from the film.
What to expect from the film:
With Atlee’s compelling storyline and rocking music composition by Anirudh, Jawan leaves the audience in awe. Here are some top-notch reasons to watch the film.
Shah Rukh Khan (King Khan):
Otherwise known as King Khan or Badshah of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan plays the protagonist role, Azad. He is also seen playing multiple identities in the film. The opening scene features him wrapped in pieces of white cloth. Cut to, the film introduces SRK in menacing bald look, as Vikram Rathore, hijacking the metro train. Are they both related or same person? The film gives the answer. However, the King, himself, delivers a king-size entertainment with his screen presence.
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Action Sequences:
Atlee’s Jawan has got massive action sequences, giving the fans some spine-chilling experience. Including Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara and other artists were trained to give the best for the film, which is visibly seen while watching the film on the big screen. The director surprises all with his Hollywood-style supernova action sequences.
Stellar Cast:
Apart from SRK, Vijay Sethupathi as Kaali, one of the leading arms-dealer in the world, has played the antagonist to Jawan. Nayanthara as Narmada, has played the Chief investigating officer. Deepika Padukone as Aishwarya, has played an impactful cameo role. The film also features Priyamani, Riddhi Dogra, Sanya Malhotra, Leher Khan, Sunil Grover, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya among others.
Societal Message:
The film, Jawan, showcases vehement scenes about societal issues. It delves into the themes of sociopolitical issues, thereby touching the areas of healthcare, agriculture and voting system. The film urges every citizen to think before voting as to what the system will be doing for the nation.
With the following heads-up, you may definitely hit the theatres near by to watch the film. Jawan is undeniably a momentous film in Indian Cinema. The prominent Tamil filmmaker, Atlee, has delivered a colossal entertainment, overall. Ready ahh?
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