3 Miraculous Home Remedies To Get Rid of Dark Neck Pigmentation

Since it is a pandemic summer of the current year, you must ignore the parlor treatment. But the increasing summer heatwaves might make you sweat more often around your neck. The settlement of sweat even causes irritation around your neck. However, too much sun exposure would change the color of your neck and make you frown while looking at the mirror. While you take enough care of your face, you have got to nourish the skin which surrounds your neck. Other than sun exposure, the excessive usage of chemical-laden skincare products, pollution, and poor hygiene even causes the darkness around your neck. So, here are a few home remedies to get rid of the dark neck and give a try at your home.

POTATO JUICE: Known for its bleaching properties, potatoes could lighten the skin to some extent. It also helps to alleviate the dark patches and evens your skin tone. So what you have to do now? Take a small potato and grate it and then squeeze all the juice out of the grated part. Now, apply the juice on your neck and leave to dry completely right before rinsing it with lukewarm water. You could do it twice a day.

YOGURT: All you have to do is to take 2 tablespoons of yogurt and a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix the ingredients well. Now, you could apply it on the neck and leave it for about 20 minutes before washing it off with water. Since yogurt contains natural enzymes that would act along with the acids in the lemon, it would nourish the skin and it smooth.

BAKING SODA: To prepare a natural paste, take two to three spoons of baking soda and enough water. Mix it well until you get a smooth paste and then apply this paste on the neck and leave it to dry. When it is dried completely, just scrub it off with your wet fingers. Then rinse the area with water and moisturize the skin well. For better results, just do it every day.  Well, baking soda is highly beneficial in removing dirt and dead skin cells and promotes circulation.

3 Miraculous Home Remedies To Get Rid of Dark Neck Pigmentation
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