5 Best Features of Instagram You Should Know and Use

Instagram is one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, and practically everyone you know has an account. The social media platform is primarily popular among Generation Z and Generation X, however everyone, just like Facebook, can use it. In our opinion, most users are underutilizing Instagram’s amazing features. And if you have an Instagram account, you should be aware of some of its best features and make good use of it. So keep reading to learn about some of the top Instagram features you should be aware of and use on a regular basis.

Best features of Instagram you should know and use:
Instagram Insights

Instagram insights are one of the best aspects of Instagram, and it’s a shame that many creators and businesses don’t use it frequently. Instagram insights, as opposed to Facebook insights, are more precise and detailed. You may view your account’s growth, the gender of your followers, where the majority of your followers live, and when they are most active. Facebook, now Meta, had a comparable insight page, but it was recently removed. So, if you haven’t already, Instagram insights is one of the best and most powerful things you should use to observe how your account is performing.

Story Highlights

Story highlights are not an underappreciated element of Instagram, but they are one of the coolest. Story highlights will be useful if you want selected information, photographs, or videos to constantly remain in your profile for your followers or anyone else to see. And the majority of users have these requirements, and many creators utilize story highlights to showcase the best parts of their lives. So having a place where all of your best or most meaningful events can be preserved for all time is fantastic, and Instagram’s story highlights provide just that.

Pinning Comments

Instagram adopted YouTube’s feature of pinning comments on posts, which is one of the best things ever. It is now rather simple to discover the best comments on a post without having to read through a large number of them. Because the user who created the post can pin up to three comments for easy viewing for their followers. If there’s one thing people enjoy, it’s reading comments on fascinating or trending items, and this tool makes it easier.

Instagram Reels

Instagram Reel is without a doubt Instagram’s best feature to date. With a 60-second or less video, you can reach thousands of new people with comparable interests. While Tik Tok was the first to debut this function, Instagram rapidly discovered how much people enjoy watching short and amusing videos. So it followed in the footsteps of Tik Tok. The best thing about these short videos is that they don’t take long to create. You can make a video in minutes and post it, and your reels will almost certainly reach. This function is extremely beneficial for businesses or brands seeking new clients without spending money on advertisements.

You may also like: 3 Recent Instagram Reels Trends You Should Participate in 

Instagram Collaboration Feature

This function is ideal if you collaborate with other users to generate posts more frequently. You are no longer required to simply indicate that a post is a collaboration with another person. You can actually invite the other user or business to collaborate on your post. If they accept the invitation, the post will be accessible to both yours and their followers. That sounds like a fantastic opportunity to reach out to more people, doesn’t it? That’s because it is!

Bonus: Instagram Shop

Instagram shop feature allows users to effortlessly checkout products from a brand or business on the app. Users can become irritated when they have to visit a website to view the products, descriptions, and prices. The Instagram Shop feature eliminates this issue because all products are visible on the brand’s or business’s account. So, if you own a business or a brand, you should make use of this fantastic Instagram function right away.

What are some more amazing Instagram features that you believe people should use more often? Let us know in the comments!

insightsInstagramreelsstory highlights