6 Most Healthy ‘Desi Foods’ For A Power Packed SEXUAL Drive


Explore the spicy foods which heat up your body sensually!

Get rid of the sexual issues with these spicy and hot delectable ingredients.

Men love to be sexually active with their partners. But what happens when they lose interest? They would not be happy in their sex life and could not satisfy their partner too. The reason behind it might be the lack of libido and testosterone as well. But with the correct foods, you could meet your issues. In order to get rid of erectile dysfunction, you should have a healthy blood flow in your body. It is all about blood flow in your body. So, you have to consume foods that are rich in enhancing blood flow, producing nitric acid and the production of testosterone. These are the essential things that would do wonders for your sexual drive and make you crazy on the bed.

CINNAMON: Cinnamon is highly praised for its never-ending health benefits. This is used on the South Asian curries and dishes to sprinkle the aroma of palatable taste. Being a traditional spice, it has several benefits for men’s sexual health. However, cinnamon is proved to be best in fighting against diabetes. So, when high blood sugar levels affect the blood flow in men and worsen the erections, it could be treated with the help of cinnamon. Thus, it helps men with diabetes to achieve a healthy libido level.

FENUGREEK: Like chillies, Fenugreek is also an essential ingredient to be added in several dishes which spreads amazing aromatic taste. Howbeit, the presence of saponins in fenugreek helps to improve the production of male sex hormones. Hence, it helps increase testosterone levels in the body which in turn helps in male sexual drive. Even researches have exhibited that fenugreek produces the nitric oxide with which you could battle erectile dysfunction. Spike up your libido level with the help of fenugreek!

CARDAMOM: Belongs to the ginger family, the cardamom is actually a dried fruit that is used in curries and sweets. Essentially known for its brain and nervous benefits, cardamom is known for enhancing the sexual mood. It helps to kill the bacteria in the mouth and so you could give a warming kiss to your partner without any hesitation. Meet the sexual arousal issues with cardamom by your side!

CHILLIES: Well, we know that chillies are one of the top spicy ingredients to be added on any of the dishes to spike up hot spiciness taste. Green chillies, red chillies, and yellow chillies are all known to be aphrodisiac ingredients in general. These chillies are not only useful for providing spicy aroma but also stimulate your metabolism. The presence of an active chemical compound known as capsaicin helps in triggering the metabolic effect and thus increases the blood flow to the extremes of your body. That’s how it enhances the production of endorphins which makes you feel aroused and elated as well.

GARLIC: Besides being used for thousands and thousands of years, garlic is known to be one of the famous ingredients known for its health properties. The traditional spicy ingredient is thus helpful in levelling the libido and testosterone in men. When you consume garlic, the allicin in it would assist you in improving the blood flow. Most of you already been aware of garlic as an aphrodisiac ingredient. When you eat raw garlic on an empty stomach regularly, it would provide great libido production.

CAYENNE PEPPER: Rarely, people might have come across the name cayenne pepper but it is similar to the chilly family. This is highly beneficial for the male sexual health by dilating the blood vessels, increasing the blood flow, helps in stronger ejaculations and enduring erections. By adding cayenne pepper in your daily diet, you could get better sexual arousal during intimacy.

6 Most Healthy 'Desi Foods' For A Power Packed SEXUAL Drive
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