The Diwali Detox Plan You Need

Diwali is done. It's time for some Diwali Detox Plan!

Now that, Diwali is over, how about a Diwali detox plan? Diwali is the festival of lights, but it is also the festival of sweets, desserts and too much food – at home and outside. One can trust Diwali parties to go over the top with irresistible delicacies.

But with Diwali done, Detox must begin. So here are some tips on how you can get that done!

On the Highway to Hydration

Keep consuming ample amounts of water and that shall do the drink. Water is a natural cleanser – it will help clear your skin, aid your digestive juices and also help with any post-festival anxieties and homesickness you may be feeling. We do forget to drink water regularly, so the best way is to fill a copper tumbler with water and keep it at your working stations.

You may also like: Snacks for Better Digestion 

Ignore your sweet tooth

We know it’s difficult, but ignoring your sweet tooth as it constantly asks for more sugary indulgence is what you shall have to do. Stay away from sugar for a couple of weeks and you shall be able to enjoy them in moderation soon (just in time for Christmas)

Take an evening stroll

Now is the right time to enjoy the initial winter – not too harsh, just cool enough. Get back into your routine with a simple walk. You can also fit this into your evening snack time so as to reduce your junk intake.

No Meat Days!

Give your system rest from digesting the heavy Diwali cuisines. Opt for a veggie or plant-based diet for a week or two. This is the best reset.

Lemon water to the rescue

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and flavonoids (antioxidants). A warm glass of lemon, with a spoon of honey, will do wonders. It will help in digestion, detox your blood and also give a rich, post-festive glow to your skin.

These are simple things you can start practising. Of course, you can sneak in a doughnut or two – the trick is to not be hard on yourself. So, say goodbye to the festival season and welcome the end of the year with a detox plan.

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DetoxDIWALIDiwali detox planevening strollhydrationmeat dayssweet toothsweets