Nayanthara has made a tremendous social media entry today. The Jawan actress was seen celebrating Onam with her twins and husband, Vignesh Shivan earlier. Meanwhile, Nayanthara made her Instagram debut today by dropping a reel casually. As she was not present in Jawan’s pre-release event, the actress is all excited for her movie-release. Coincidentally, On the day of Jawan’s trailer release, Nayanthara made her Instagram debut in style.
Nayanthara made Instagram debut:
The first post the actress shared, is a reel which features her walking with her twin baby boys. While Nayanthara poses with her twin babies Uyir and Ulag, “Alappara Kelapurom” from Rajinikanth’s Jailer rolls in the background. It truly enhances her Rajini-style entry while all the three wearing sunglasses. Her caption read, “Naan vandhutaen nu sollu…” Thereby, the Lady Superstar reveals her adorable twin babies to the world. She, further, adds a collab post along with her husband, Vignesh Shivan, to introduce their twins while “Rathamaarey” plays in the background, which was penned by Vignesh Shivan. Meanwhile, the actress’ bio reads, “Love Strength Peace.”
The Jawan actress, shared, the film’s trailer and captioned it, “My First with My Favvvv @iamsrk. A lot of love, passion, and hard work has gone into making this film. Hope you like it and keep showering the love as always. #JawanTrailer Out Now!” Well, the official announcement of Nayanthara’s Instagram debut was made by her production house, Rowdy Pictures. It shared a post and wrote, “Boss is here. Yours Nayanthara is here @nayanthara #nayanthara @wikkiofficial #rowdypictures.”
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Lastly seen in Kaathuvakula Rendu Kaadhal, Nayanthara’s next release is Jawan. Making her debut in Bollywood, she shares the screen space with Shah Rukh Khan. Directed by prominent filmmaker, Atlee, Jawan is slated to release on 7th September 2023.
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