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Top 3 Reasons for Night Restlessness

It is normal to experience the night of tossing and turning, lying awake in the bed. It is okay to be occasionally restless but it is not good to be a usual thing. What if you did not sleep for days or weeks together? This is not even…

Top 5 Reasons to Watch Good Night Movie

Finding basic yet inspiring stories with real-life challenges might be difficult in an era where extravagant spectacles rule the silver screen. However, every now and again, a hidden gem like 'Good Night' emerges. Good Night reminds us of…

5 Reasons why it is important to have a Hobby

The pace of life is one of the worst aspects of living in the twenty-first century. The number of hours in a day seems to be insufficient for completing all the tasks at hand. We frequently forget about ourselves and what is truly important…

6 Reasons for Not Losing Weight

Most people say that they are into exercises, workouts, and diets to reduce the size of their waists. While all these could be working for your body, you still might be worrying when you stare at the mirror as you got no difference in your…