The Most Ridiculous Custom of ‘Carrying Pregnant Wife Over The Burning Fire’


Strange! Men carrying their conceived wives over the burning coal!

This odd Chinese tradition exhibits the love of the husband towards his wife and unborn child.

The world is sacked with several-year-old traditions and customs. While half of the customs could be accepted, the other half could be weird and difficult to understand and accepted entirely. Multiple countries follow varieties of traditions and rituals all over the world. You could have heard so many tales about the year-old practices of your own country and even witnessed it. However, other countries have unimaginable rituals in which they are practicing even present days. Here is one such practice of husbands carrying their pregnant wives over burning coal in China. That’s how China stands unique through practicing pregnancy rituals.

While each culture has been inhabited their own beliefs and rituals, it is important to have a keen and very intense look into it. When it comes to China, several flamboyant red-golden rituals have been spread every nook and corner of the country. Though some of the Chinese rituals seem to be weird, here is one completely unique practice of carrying pregnant wives. This would, in turn, portray how pregnant women should be treated in a better way to the whole world.

Well, when a woman is conceived, the husband of the woman should tote his pregnant wife over amber-burning coal. The traditional belief that has been followed here is if the father-to-be successfully carries his wife would go through smooth and less pain at the time of delivery. Chinese men follow this painful ritual because the mother-to-be during the 9 months of pregnancy would endure raging hormones and undergo pain and so they do not think that men should have an easy path. Though this ritual might look like a taboo to others, people here have a strong belief in it. Nevertheless, it is unique as well as a spiritual thing that exposes how the father-to-be takes in some of the pain that the mother-to-be has to endure.

Even though it seems difficult and painful, the love of the husband towards the child and the mother is expressed. This one red-golden tradition of China depicts the world how the husbands’ have been sharing the pain of the conceived wife and how they should be treated by all means. It makes their lovable bond stronger than ever which is unbreakable. In this tradition of walking over the burning coal, it is all about passionate love which comes first more than the pain it gives. If all the fathers-to-be have started showing the devotion and empathy in this amazing journey of life, the world would be a lovely place for all the mothers-to-be out there.

The Most Ridiculous Custom of 'Carrying Pregnant Wife Over The Burning Fire'
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