Fun-loving Fruit Jellies to Prepare at Home

The scrumptious and delish jellies always own your heart. The colourful jellies would make you hop in excitement. Squeezing some juicy jellies could satiate your taste buds and exciting heart. But you would be fretted when its quantity is little and could not enjoy the taste for some more time. Eating store-bought jellies is not healthy but what if you could enjoy the tiny and colourful fruit jellies at home? Why don’t you prepare it by yourself? Well, it would be both a healthy and easy-peasy thing to prepare. And then, you no longer have to worry about your kids’ health since you are serving them homemade, luscious, and fun-loving fruit jellies. Continue reading to know about the fun-loving fruit jellies to prepare at home.

Ingredients Required for fun-loving fruit jellies to prepare at home:

The required amount of fruit juice, powdered gelatin, sugar, and fruit preserves or jam as per the members. Make sure you have the favourite flavours of fruit juice of your kids.

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Steps to prepare fruit jellies:

• Pour the required amount of flavoursome juice into a small bowl and add gelatin powder.

• Now leave it to settle for about 5 minutes.

• In the meantime, add the remaining juice along with sugar in a medium saucepan.

• Now, cook the amalgamation in medium flame and stir it well till the sugar liquefies itself.

• As of now, add the preserves and whisk them to blend well.

• Cook until it turns out to be thick and syrupy texture.

• Then, include the gelatin mixture and beat the mixture until the gelatin dissolves.

• And now, you have to transfer the mixture into the baking dish using a fine sieve.

• Finally, refrigerate the jelly amalgamation for 3 hours or even for 2 weeks.

• Pour the remaining sugar in a shallow bowl or plate as you wish.

• Slice down the fruit jelly into small cubes and soak it in the sugar right before serving.


If you have remaining uncoated jellies, then store them in the refrigerator by wrapping them with a plastic cover. And that’s how ‘fun-loving fruit jellies to prepare at home’ have juicy ending and serving.

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delishfruit jelliesgelatin powderjamsaucepanscrumptiousSugar