International Left-Handers Day 2022

International Left-handers Day:

International Lefthanders Day is observed on 13th of August every year.  It serves a distinct purpose which you may know while reading this article. This day aims to raise awareness well about difficulties that lefties face whilst functioning in a right-hand-centric environment. It also allows right-handed individuals to experience it for themselves. There’s a primitive phrase that suits a day like this. “Right-handed people operate on the left side of the brain, which means that left-handed people function on the right side,” as the old saying goes.

International Left-handers Day

The Club established International Lefthanders Day as an annual celebration on August 13, 1992, so that left-handers worldwide may appreciate their distinctiveness while also raising public awareness of the benefits and drawbacks of being left-handed. The occasion is now recognized all over the planet.

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The Significance of Left-handers Day:

There have been over 20 regional activities in the UK to commemorate the day, featuring left-v-right sports bouts, a left-handed tea party, as well as worldwide “Lefty Zones” where lefthanders’ ingenuity, versatility, and sporting excellence have been acknowledged, among other things. Without a question, these activities have helped to raise awareness about the problems and concerns that left-handers face on a daily basis.

The Left-Handers Club was founded in 1990 with the goal of keeping members up to date on advances and making their opinions known to companies and many others. To provide an assistance and guidance line, to encourage left-handed studies, as well as to develop innovative left-handed things. The Club’s influence has grown since its inception as people from all across the world have embraced it, and it is widely considered the leading campaign group and information centre on all elements of left-handedness.

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