6 Most Healthy Yummy Snacks To Consume During The Pandemic


Practice healthy when you work from home! While working eating well is a must. When you are in a hurry, Fast food can be tempting. And when you step into video meetings, calls and so on. Eating healthy can help you stay on your A-game. Here are a few healthy snacking tips.



Get some sliced veggies like carrots, peppers, cucumbers, and celery. Make sure you store them right in a closed container and refrigerate. This is to avoid veggies turning brown. You can also pair these veggies with hummus or plain yogurt with herbs.


Granola Bars

Are you a busy bee?  Munching granola bars is a great treat. Granola Bars are packed with fiber and protein. Easy to pack and also comes in different flavors. Do keep a few bars at your desk and in this way you ll have a pick-me-up when you need it.



An apple a day keeps the doctor away we have all heard about this proverb many times from childhood. Thus it’s a good choice of grab-n-go snack. It contains a great dose of Vitamin C which helps to keep the immune system in good shape. The fiber content is great for digestion. If you love the flavor, bring in peanut butter for that extra serving of protein.



Just like apples, Bananas are cost-effective and easy to consume. It gives you a healthy burst of energy without the crash because the sugar content in a banana is released slowly over time. Grab a banana for the snack.


Roasted Chickpeas

Have roasted chickpeas, this can be an excellent substitution for salty chips!

If you want to make your own here’s how:

Toss some chickpeas with two tablespoons of olive oil, add your favorite spices and herbs. Some tasty choices are black pepper, oregano, and garlic salt. Bake it in an oven for 30 minutes at 450 degrees or fry it until crisp and crunchy.



For a healthy dose of protein, probiotics, and calcium eat some yogurt. Avoid flavored yogurt because these are full of sugar and preservatives. If you prefer flavors then add fresh fruits or cereal to your plain yogurt. By this, you will get the dose of natural flavor without adding artificial sweetness.

Remember to drink water often and keep yourself stay hydrated all day which helps you to focus and concentrate. Try these healthy snacks for a healthy living.

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