5 Most Sizzling Tantric Techniques For A Long Lasting Ecstatic SEX



Connect your minds by practicing Tantric sex!

Tantric sex helps you to last longer and offers you more satisfying sexual pleasure!

Are you wondering what’s tantric sex? Well, sex is all about connection both physically and mentally. Meanwhile, Tantric sex is all about the intense connection between and you and your partner by connecting the two minds together. Tantric sex aims to experience an erotic pleasure for a longer period. And if you wanna spend some quality time on bed with your partner, you gotta learn a few tantric sex techniques which would help you to attain more orgasm and better sex. It would also make you feel the divine connection between you and your partner by lasting longer sensually. Check out the following tantric tips to have satisfying sex.

MIND MATTERS: As explained before, tantric sex is something which is whole or a complete thing that should be happened between the couples. It concentrates on experiencing and creating sexual energy more than purely physical pleasure. By doing so, it would offer you unimaginable erotic experience as it something involved with your minds.

TRAMMEL THE EXPECTATIONS: Remember the famous saying “expectation kills”, did you? Yes! This is very true when it comes to relationships. But when it comes to tantric sex, it would renounce any of your raising expectations of what would happen. However, the most interesting as well as the exciting moment is when something unexpected happens. Similarly, your sex becomes extremely amazing when it comes erotically, emotionally and spiritually. This would never make you feel monotonous of sex instead you would experience a unique feel when you practice Tantra.

CONCENTRATE ON BREATHING: Your breathing plays a major role in practicing tantric sex. The slower you are breathing, the more you are relaxed and connected with each other. “Breathe in and Breathe out!” Take slow and fuller breath before sex, after sex and during sex. Breathing should be your pleasure at the very moment of sexual intercourse. So, your breathing pattern would influence your sexual experience and connects the partners.

EYE GAZING IS A MAGIC: Probably, people know that eye gazing is one of the powerful yet interesting things in a relationship. Similarly, eye gazing is one of the most important things when you practice tantric sex. Believe it or not, this would do magic and you would feel the lovey-dovey ambience connecting you. The gazing and giggling would never kill the ecstasy between you and your partner.

PRESENT IN THE VERY MOMENT: As said before, your mind is everything when it comes to satisfying sex. Your mind plays a vital role in providing you the saturation feel in anything and everything. Having mentioned that, your mind is the sexiest part of your body. So, you gotta stop overthinking and present in the present moment to enjoy the benefits of tantric sex. Your experience is indescribable when you practice Tantra.

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