Best Tattoo Designs For Men: A Complete Guide

Tattoos are not a new trend. They have come into existence for quite a long time. We also have tattooed mummies that stand as evidence. However, it did take some time before tattoos became popular in the modern world. At present, we can see many around us flaunting their tattoos as a new fashion trend. Also, these tattoos are not just personal reflections. They are way more. They are a form of self-expressing accessory.

Sometimes, tattoos have also acted as an ice-breaker to start a conversation. Thus it is important to choose your tattoo design wisely. Your tattoo often explains your personality too. So we thought of giving some best tattoo designs ideas for men. Explore this article to learn more about them.

Men’s Tattoo Ideas

Tattoos are great ideas where our body acts as a canvas for expressing ourselves. It is more of a body art and thus you can choose any designs that inspire you. It can also be a name or quote or even just a flower. Whatever it is, choose a well-trained artist who can deliver your idea with conviction. With that said, let’s look at some common tattoo ideas for men.

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Family Tattoo

This is one of the most common and simple tattoo ideas. If you are a person who loves family and people then go for it. Often people tattoo their partner’s or parent’s names. Sometimes, people do try to mirror their loved ones’ tattoos. Also, it need not always be a name. It can also be an image or quote that reflects your family. However, the key point is to respect the bond you have with your loved ones.

Mythical Creatures

People who want bold and creative designs can go for mythical creature tattoos. From phoenix to pegasus, you have a variety of options. Most importantly, every mythical creature has a back story to it. Thus try to understand and relate to the story before choosing your creature. Likewise, you can also get plenty of tattoo ideas from Greek mythology.

Religious or Cultural Tattoo

If you are a spiritual person then you can try religious tattoos too. You can go for quotes from your holy scripture or design tattoos from religious concepts or you can even try religious symbols. If this is not your cup of tea then try cultural tattoos. The main idea of these tattoos is to honor one’s culture and roots. Most of the time, these cultural tattoos are combined with modern symbols to produce unique tattoo designs.

Flowers and Animals

Other most common tattoo designs are flowers and animals. People usually go with large and beautiful rose tattoos on their arms. But there are also many other options. You can choose your birth flower or the birth flower of your loved ones for tattoo designs. Likewise, you can also choose your animal designs based on your zodiac or your intuition. The most common animal designs are lion, tiger, wolf, and owl. These animals usually signify qualities like loyalty, strength, determination, and wisdom. You can also go with small and quirky tattoos of your pet.

Tribal Tattoo

Tribal tattoos are the new trend. These designs are aesthetically pleasing and often provide a powerful statement. They signify beauty, strength, endurance, and masculinity. These are often seen as mystery statements. Some can even convey the wearer’s culture, heritage, and accomplishments. Thus they are creative, artistic, and meaningful tattoo designs to go for.


There are various objects around you that can reflect your personality. Some can also be memorable objects to hold on to. You can choose such an object and have a tattoo of it. People usually go for objects like anchors, compasses, guitars, dreamcatchers, etc. Make sure that the object suits your personality style and carries a message.

Geometric Tattoo

Geometric tattoos or sacred geometry tattoos have completely revolutionized the tattoo industry. The majority of them go for personalized symbols and patterns. For example, a triangle, for instance, can stand for stability, strength, and balance. Likewise, circle denotes a wholeness or completion. There are also various complicated pattern ideas that you can try. But make sure you reach out to the right professional as these patterns require precision.

Best Wording Tattoos

It is always better to think twice before going for a word tattoo. Remember that these are not like images; these are self-explanatory. Thus the words you choose must signify your life or temperament. Also, you can go for powerful words that motivate you and helps in your manifestations. Some of the most used words are:

● Positivity

● Bliss

● Blessed

● Adventure

● Hope

● Dream

These words can also be done in any language you desire. Furthermore, short phrases have also become a trend. You can go for dialogues that motivate or touch you. People nowadays also go for musical lyrics. Some common tattoo phrases are:

● So it goes

● Still I rise

● Good things take time

● Dream-Plan-Do

Where To Get Your Tattoo?

You can get your tattoo wherever you want. Some places require caution while some are not suitable for a tattoo. Also, your pain threshold plays an important role here. Let’s look at some common places where you can get your tattoos done.

Chest and Back

Both chest and back areas are broad and muscular. Thus you can bear the pain. Also, you can go for elaborate designs as you have more space. If you are choosing longer quotes and bigger diagrams try them on your chest or back. Furthermore, shave or wax the region before visiting the tattoo artist.


Forearms are the best for people who want short quotes or small-word tattoos. This place is ideal for any small and classy design. Make sure you choose your design or font wisely as everyone can clearly see your forearm tattoo.


The neck is another visible tattoo region which is also thankfully pain bearable. Again, you can go for smaller tattoos in this region. If you have a plan to extend to the spine region, then choose bigger designs. Also, you might start to feel slight discomfort and pain while extending tattoos to the spine region.

Upper Arm

The upper arm is an extremely dynamic area. It enables designs to develop towards the shoulders too. These tattoos also have longer durability. This is because the shoulder skin typically has fewer wrinkles than other parts.

With that said, make sure your ink lasts longer. For that, choose a place with less sun exposure. Also, it is mandatory to use sunscreen after your tattoos are done. This is because sunlight fades colors far more quickly.

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