Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

Each individual is unique, and so is every pregnancy. Therefore, if you are expecting, you will probably experience a special mix of common, uncommon, and occasionally overlapping symptoms. They may also arrive sooner or later than anticipated. So if you’ve been considering getting pregnant in any way and want to know what the top early warning signs are, keep reading!

Early symptoms of pregnancy:
Missed Period

If you’re prepared to have a child, you’ve probably been keeping track of your period and paying close attention every time you go to the bathroom to see if it’s arrived this month. An impending pregnancy can be indicated by a missed period, which is frequently one of the first signs of pregnancy. To determine whether you are pregnant, use a pregnancy test at home. Make an appointment for your first prenatal visit with your OB/GYN around 8 weeks gestation if the test is positive.

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Spotting or light bleeding

Even though about one-third of women encounter spotting or light bleeding, many women are shocked to discover that it can be an initial sign of pregnancy. This is frequently referred to as “implantation bleeding” because, according to medical professionals, it happens as the fertilised egg adheres (or implants) itself within the uterine lining. This is not the same kind of bleeding as the heavier bleeding that typically results from a miscarriage, for example. Generally, implantation bleeding starts ten to fourteen days after conception, just before or at the same time as your period is due. Thus, you might have believed that your period has arrived. However, implantation bleeding is a minor flow that typically appears in pink, brown, or light red and may begin and stop within two days.

Lower abdominal pain or cramping

Lower-abdominal pain and cramps can indicate the start of a period, but they can also be an indication that an egg has been implanted. It’s possible that implantation cramps don’t feel like period cramps and can happen either with or without spotting or bleeding. For instance, over a few days, you may very well experience moderate to mild tickling sensation, pulling, or tingling that occurs and disappears. However, period cramps typically begin a day or two before your period and frequently feel like a pulsing or dull ache.

Sore Breasts

sore breasts

Do you have soft, swollen breasts? Another sign that you may have given birth this cycle is having sore breasts, but sadly, several women experience pain and swelling as a regular part of their menstrual cycle, making it difficult to distinguish between the two. If you’ve recently given birth, the soreness typically worsens over time, and you might start noticing changes in the appearance of your breasts. Just perform a home pregnancy test to find out what’s going on if you notice any changes.

Darkening Areolas

Have you started to notice a discolouration of the areolas since we warned you that your breasts might start to change in appearance? The region around your nipples is called the areolas. This is among the more observable early signs of pregnancy because they can start to get darker and bigger as soon as one or two weeks after conception. Additionally, you might start to notice more obvious veins and tiny bumps forming along the tip of the areolas. They are known as Montgomery tubercles, and they will moisturise your nipples to prepare them for nursing your baby once they arrive. This is only the starting point of the breast changes that happen during pregnancy.

Frequent urination

From around the time your upcoming period is due, if you find yourself using the restroom more frequently than usual, it could be an indication that you’re pregnant. Undoubtedly, how often you urinate throughout the day is the direct impact of your drinking habits. On the other hand, pregnancy increases the volume of blood in your body, giving your kidneys more waste to filter and more liquid to filter. Therefore, if you’re pregnant, you might notice that you’re going to the bathroom a lot more. This symptom can appear early in pregnancy and (sadly) persist throughout.

Extremely High Basal Body Temperature

Many women are unaware of the possibility that their body temperature could serve as a sign of pregnancy. You might want to purchase a pregnancy test if you’ve been tracking your basal body temperature and you get a reading that is higher than usual. When you are tracking, your basal (or waking) temperature spikes at the time of ovulation and then gradually drop throughout the rest of your cycle until the start of your period. Your basal temperature, however, won’t drop if you become pregnant during the cycle; rather, it will remain high.

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