The Super Fruit Guava With 6 Incredible Health Benefits

Guavas are actually lovely fruits which we love to have. This super-fruit is known for several health benefits and so they are recognized as one of the healthy fruits. These fruits are a great source of manganese that helps in our body to absorb other key nutrients from the foods we eat. Guavas are known in different names in different languages. They are also rich in minerals, potassium, antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents that help treat several diseases like stomach related issues and other chronic diseases such as cancer. Being weight loss friendly, the fruit is available in different colors with white or pink or dark red along with edible seeds. Check out the following unbelievable health benefits of every bite of guavas.

ACTS AS A RELAXANT: As the fruit is a great source of magnesium, it helps relax the muscles and nerves of the body. When you consume guava after a heavy workout session, it would help you to relax your muscles and provide a better boost for your entire system.

PROFFERS HEALTHY MIND: Guava helps provide the good cognitive function of the brain, thereby maintaining good blood circulation to the brain. It would also help nourish the brain with Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6 which is actually great for nerves. It would thus be helpful in relaxing the nerves.

DETOXIFIES THE BODY: Since guava is rich in fiber, it would act as a detoxifier for your body. So, it is highly recommended to add in your diet as it would be helpful in the weight loss process. Well, it would be helpful in alleviating the toxins from the body and helps in enhancing the digestive system. It would help burn the extra fat as well.

AIDS IN STOMACH ISSUES: Stomach issues such as constipation and diarrhea could be treated at home by consuming a glass of guava juice. However, it is well-known that guava could be helpful in shrinking and contracting any open tissues in the body. This would in turn help in shrinking the canals of the active intestine and stabilizes it. Since Guava is rich in fiber, it could be helpful in treating constipation by improving the bowel movement. You could either choose to drink guava juice or raw guava fruit right before breakfast as it gives you an effective result from getting rid of constipation.

FIGHTS CANCER: A powerful antioxidant named Lycopene present in guava is helpful for your body to fight against the harmful free radicals which cause cancer. This is why consuming guava juice could help lower cancer cell development.

MAKES YOUR TEETH STRONGER: Guava helps make your teeth stronger for centuries. Known for its astringent properties, guava fruit helps relieve from toothache and mouth and gum sores. Guava leaves are also useful in treating toothaches as they have anti-inflammatory properties. When you gargle with water infused with fresh guava leaves, it could help relieve toothache, healing gum, mouth sores as well as treats sore throats. The antibacterial properties of the guava leaves would help protect the teeth and gums. Howbeit, there are many tubes of toothpaste, and mouth fresheners use guava leaves as an ingredient in them. Also, when you chew one or two tender guava leaves, it could be helpful in maintaining your oral health.

The Super Fruit Guava With 6 Incredible Health Benefits
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