Weird Veggies You Can Start Growing in Your Garden

Of course, Gardening is something which can provide you with a pleasant feel on this planet. When you start growing plants, they become your children or pet as each plant has a special bond with you. While nature is proffering thousands and thousands of plant varieties, you could try planting some unusual vegetable plants in your garden so that you could also get your own food. To our surprise, unusual vegetables could be easily grown. But where you could find these bizarre veggies? Well, you could find these in farmers’ markets and not in the supermarket. Check out some weird veggies that you can start growing in your garden.


This weird veggie is a fast-growing one which is a less maintained one. You just have to spread the seed and wait until harvest time. However, the black radish is milder when compared to the normal kind. The leaves of this veggie are edible and the veggie could be best served when sliced or grated into salads.

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Native to the Brassica family, Kohlrabi would grow as a swollen stem which is both tender and tasty too. The fresh leaves of the veggie could be eaten as if kale and the stem could be harvested at its best when it is of tennis ball size. This veggie is like a very mild cabbage taste that grows effortlessly as if broccoli or cabbage.


The yam like the taste of purple sweet potato is seemed to be loaded with antioxidants and helps people to live a healthy life. Along with the flesh, the skin of the purple potato is incorporated with antioxidants and nutrients. So, why not switch to growing purple sweet potatoes?


Being one of the best climbing varieties of spinach, Malabar spinach has thick and luscious leaves. The fresh stems and leaves are edible and they could be used over the season repeatedly. Malabar spinach is not like ordinary spinach as it would never bolt to seed in warm weather. The warm summer months are known to be the best for Malabar spinach and it loves more water and rich growing soil as well. However, the leaves are served well when used in soups.


Yet another amazing choice is peter pepper which is known for its queer shape. The great flavour of peter peppers is best for everyday cooking and so you could choose it to embellish your backyard or garden. With its unusual shape, Peter pepper grows up to 3 to 4 inches in length. Like other pepper plants, Peter peppers wish for the same growing condition to add flavour to your dishes. So, choose to grow them in well-drained fertile soil along with regular watering. If you need hotter peppers, you have to give some extra love to your pepper plant when they start to wither.

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