The producers of Vikram’s upcoming film, “Thangalaan,” released his first look posters as the Tamil superstar recently turned 57. The film features Vikram in a rugged persona that has never been seen before, surprising his fans. For the part, Vikram grew out both his hair and beard, and he has been sporting a man bun since. The star, in our opinion, has consistently possessed Kollywood’s most fashionable appearances. So, in this post, let’s look at some of the times Chiyaan Vikram proved he is the style Icon of Kollywood.
Times Chiyaan Vikram proved he is the Style Icon of Kollywood:
The All-Black Look in October
A complete black outfit is a requirement for every man’s wardrobe. The same was proven in October of last year when Ponniyin Selvan Chiyaan Vikram was promoted. He wore black trousers and a jacket with a Chinese collar to look foxy. Then the actor completed his ensemble with black shoes, a watch that matched, and a quirky pair of sunglasses. With just these photos, you can already tell how incredibly stylish and confident he is. So we believe that this is the primary reason why he is Kollywood’s style icon.
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The No Shave November Look
As you may be aware, men with beards are very fond of the trend known as “No Shave November.” Chiyaan Vikram is among the South hunks who follow this. The Cobra actor posted a few pictures on Instagram last year wearing a black coat with black checkered pants and a black shirt underneath. He showed off his stylish man bun and beard, elevating the appearance to a whole other level. He added his customary black dress shoes and a black wristwatch as additional accessories to his ensemble for the day. Even his son, Dhruv Vikram, commented in the post, ‘Paaah!’ and we completely understand.
The Grey Matters Look
In another grey outfit, the Kollywood star gave us pointers on how to pull off a casual yet timeless look. Chiyaan Vikram shared a series of pictures on Instagram wearing a grey kurta underneath a black Nehru jacket. Black shoes, black sunglasses, and a black wristwatch were the finishing touches for the star’s look. Again, his beard and long hair made for a very sharp appearance. The internet went crazy over this photo, which was captioned ‘Grey Matters’ by the actor.
The All-White Ethnic Look
Looking at some of his more recent posts, the actor’s particular appearance had a certain allure. Vikram demonstrated the versatility of the man bun by wearing it with a white jacket and kurta. The actor could be seen wearing a white kurta-pyjama with a cream-coloured jacket with embroidered details. “When you reduce life to black & white, you never see rainbows,” he stated in the caption.
The Purple Ethnic Look
It appears that Chiyaan Vikram holds Nehru jackets in very high regard in his wardrobe. He posed for pictures wearing a purple kurta set, a purple Nehru Jacket and black trousers to provide yet another illustration of how to make a statement of this timeless look. He wore the same accessories as usual, including a black watch, loafers, plus, of course, long hair and a beard. This was undoubtedly one of the stylish looks he shared on Instagram to promote his movie PS1.
The Black-Tie With Man Bun Look
The Kollywood fashion icon turned up the heat on Instagram with his latest look. Vikram shared this elegantly bunned hairstyle for a black tie occasion a week ago. He uploaded the pictures and humorously captioned them, “John Wickram / Kennedy John Wicktor.” Compared to the casual appearance he sports in his film Thangalaan, the formal ensemble of a black suit, a white shirt, and a tie is quite the opposite. Guess what? we’re all for it.
The acclaimed second Ponniyin Selvan film will feature the talented actor in a crucial role. We’ve been inundated with promotional content, as you may have noticed, which makes waiting impossible. In the meantime, Chiyaan Vikram will also appear in Thangalaan, which is directed by Pa Ranjith. The project, which is being billed as a period drama, will shed light on the daily lives of a Tamil group who worked in the mines. it is set in the Kolar Gold Fields of the pre-Independence time period.
What are some of the times when Chiyaan Vikram proved he is the ultimate style icon of Kollywood? Let us know!
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