World Biofuel Day 2022

Each year on August 10, the world commemorates World Biofuel Day. The day is observed to raise public awareness about the relevance of non-fossil energies as an alternative to conventional fossil energy as well as to promote the leadership’s varied initiatives in the biofuel field. Biofuel is characterised as any fuel obtained from biomass (plants, algae, as well as animal manure). These energy sources are sustainable, biodegradable, and also renewable. Biofuel production is in line with initiatives like Swach Bharat Abhiyan as well as Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. “The Ministry of Petroleum and Gas commemorated World Biofuel Day for the first time in August 2015.”


The day commemorates Sir Rudolf Diesel’s research experiments. He used peanut oil to power a machine in 1893. His findings projected that vegetable oil could substitute for fossil fuels to power numerous mechanical motors in the following century.

Reasons why we need biofuels:


Biodiesel’s purpose is not to replace traditional fossil fuels, but to assist establish a sustainable strategy. Biofuel is designed to be an excellent substitute for expanding the amount of diesel. Biodiesel’s major purpose is to offer energy supplies while also benefiting local communities. Here are some reasons why biofuels are necessary.

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Biofuel ensures energy security

Energy independence provides the most consistent and cheapest supply available to both consumers and industries. Some of the various hazards to energy security include disruptions in the availability of fossil fuels, price increases in fuel, or low fuel resources. Numerous governments are currently interested in using biofuels from local suppliers as sustainable energy sources. This notably includes the United Kingdom, which is now reliant on fossil fuels.

Biofuels are simple to use

Among the primary reasons for the need for biofuel is its ability to be utilised in today’s machines, infrastructure, and cars without requiring modifications. Biofuel can always be stockpiled, burned, and circulated in the same manner like diesel. It can also be utilised safely in mixed or raw forms. Biofuel will improve fuel efficiency because it is essentially equivalent to petroleum-based fuels and may be used all year. Although older vehicles exceeding fifteen years old will need new gasoline lines, biofuel might cause the lines to fracture. Biofuel can cause deposits in fuel tanks. The consumer will be able to easily swap between biofuel and gasoline as necessary.

Biofuel promotes economic development

Increased investment in biofuels would result in more economic growth. This implies that the industry will provide more opportunities and new revenue streams for farmers. The financial rise in global energy consumption will help developing nations. Need is predicted to rise by 84% when alternative energy sources such as biofuel are introduced to fulfil this demand.

Biofuels can be recycled and degraded naturally

Biofuel has been shown to be less harmful than petroleum since its properties reduce its potential to impact the environment and cause fewer damages. Because it is organic, non-toxic vegetable oil, biofuel has been determined to be less harmful than table salt. Biofuel is already fifteen times less harmful than typical types of fish. Because of its low volatility, biofuel has been shown to be more secure to handle than petroleum. Because of the huge amount of energy, there is a risk of inadvertent combustion because the fuel produces sufficient vapour for light. It is possible to do this with a variety of oils and fats including used frying oil. Used oils will rise in value and cost-effectiveness.

Biofuel will create Energy Balance

An energy balance of fuels is the proportion between the amount of energy needed to create, develop, and distribute fuel to the amount of energy generated when fuel is combusted. As energy security becomes a more pressing issue in both governments and society all around the world, biofuel provides a favourable energy balance when opposed to other fuel choices. Without a consistent supply of cheap fuel, the growth of the economy will grind to a halt, as there will be no fuel to run power stations, vehicles, or heat houses. Biofuel can help to increase energy security and energy balance by utilising national energy sources. The plants are employed to develop biofuel, which is used to substitute imported oil.

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