Castor oil is a major ingredient in skincare products and cosmetics. It is both anti-fungal and antibacterial making thus its a good remedy for acne, skin diseases like eczema, and treating wounds. But the main use in skincare products is its moisturizing properties.
Good Source for Healing
It’s proven that oil pressed from castor seeds have antibacterial properties. For wound-dressing castor oil was used as the main ingredient which was found to be an effective fighter of bacteria and expedite the healing process according to a study published in Journal Biomacromolecules.
In a study published in the International Journal of Research in Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics proved that castor oil is a good lubricant. This makes it a primary ingredient in many branded skincare products in the market. It’s used as a soothing emollient to treat conditions like dry skin, dermatitis, sunburn, and open sores among others.
For Skin and Scalp
The antifungal properties of castor oil help in managing skin and scalp conditions like eczema and cradle cap. Two fight these two conditions more than 80 percent of castor oil and 20 percent of other mineral oils is mixed and used. This mixture needs to be sprayed on the affected area and then massaged into the skin or scalp for effective results.
Cleanser and Moisturizer
Castor oil as moisturizing effects that’s the reason it’s also being used as a common massage oil. Before bathing massaging the body with castor oil keeps the body hydrated and moisturized. It also induces good sleep.
It’s recommended that an oil bath once every week for healthy and supple skin.
This oil can be used for hands and feet. Applying some castor oil on your hands and feet at bedtime helps to keep our soft.
Castor oil is one of the must-have oils in your kitchen or among your beauty regime because of its many proven health benefits.
It’s good to be used under supervision, it’s found that it can lead to diarrhea and dehydration. With a little care, you can get your soft and beautiful skin. However, do not ingest it without supervision as it has been found to lead to diarrhea and dehydration. It’s good for external use.