Keep your elderly loved ones active and safe!
Lockdown has been imposed to control the spread of the pandemic disease, right? It is important to stay at home and to stay healthy at the same time. Well, you have to be kind enough to check in your loved ones now as it is essential to do so. However, it is also essential to look after our older generation with utmost care. This is because they are not only more vulnerable to the effects of the virus but also are more affected by self-isolation and loneliness, in a few cases. So, you might have thought of the possible ways to care for your elderly loved ones without putting them at risk. So, here are a few tips that would help you during this lockdown to take care of your elderly people of your family.
MAKE A PLAN: You gotta plan each day accordingly, which would engage yourself and your loved ones. You should provide them the support they wish for and it would give them the positivity to deal with the situation. If you are unable to take care of your elderly people, then make someone take care of them. Probably, you might have heard that old people are more prone to the deadly virus. And so, it is essential for you to check in your elderly people.
ENSURE TO CHECK-IN DAILY: During this crucial time, you should have to ensure to check-in them every day. Therefore, the younger family members should start checking their elderly loved one by calling them or by video calls and stay connected with them if they are living separately. Meanwhile, you should also remember that our older generation might not be able to connect to the online world. So, clear communication is important to maintain the connection and spread positivity as well.
PROVIDE YOUR ASSISTANCE: When it comes to shopping or collecting prescriptions or cooking or preparing meals or managing money or paying bills, you could go for their help. As it is your goal to stop the exposure of the virus, you should assist them in every possible way. Do any task which would put them to go in contact with other people and avoid it.
GIVE THEM A PURPOSE: Some older people would go out to the supermarket which would give the feel of greater accomplishment. But not now, right? To avoid contact with other people, it is important to stay at home. So, give them ideas such as exchanging letters with the younger family member, gardening which would lower the depression, writing would be perfect which some of them might love to do. Developing a skill would reduce negative feelings such as depression and even reduce the chance of diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Also by involving in new activities, it would make them stay busy and active.
MAKE THE MINDS ENGAGED: As we all know that self-isolation could be boring, it would difficult for older people to cope with the days. While we are all engaged in technology, they are not much into technology. So, to keep their minds active make them paint or draw with you or reading and writing, learning a language would be more fun together or Sudoku or chess or cooking or puzzles. It is highly important to stay mentally active though.