Darkness around the mouth is a common issue faced by Indian tones. Naturally, women are concerned with the darkness that shows around their mouth and under the eyes too. It is caused due to hyperpigmentation. It literally looks bad for women when they wear lipstick like thick red colour. Even the dryness around the mouth can lead to dark skin around the lips. So no more worries as we have the natural remedies by our side to treat the darkness around the mouth. The natural remedies can cure the darkness and prevent dark lips. Now, you have to follow the remedies and treat the darkness regularly.
The natural remedies for darkness:
Aloe Vera Gel: It is the best medicinal herb which is used for both for beauty and health issues. It is the good soothing agent and will remove the darkness by applying the fresh aloe vera gel on the face and near the mouth and then leave it for the whole night. The continuous treatment with the aloe vera gel can give the result you wished for.
Lemon and Honey: The mixture of honey and lemon can reduce the skin darkness around the mouth and lips. Apply the mixture every day and get rid of the darkness or skin pigmentation. The dry skin can be treated will by this homemade mixture.
Tomato Juice: Apply the tomato juice over the dark skin and leave it for 30 minutes. Now wash in warm water and you should have to use it every day in the evening for better results. It lightens the skin too.
Lemon Juice: It is the best and perfect bleaching agent. Use the lemon juice around the mouth and lips, over the dark skin and rub it gently. Leave it for the whole night and wash it with lukewarm water in the morning.
Sandalwood and turmeric: Take sandalwood powder and turmeric powder and mix it with water as the required amount. It can be used as the pack to remove the darkness around the mouth and lips and treat the darkness too. Apply it and wait for around 20 minutes and then wash it off.
Sugar and Lemon Juice: The glycolic acid present in the sugar and as mentioned above, Lemon is the best bleaching agent, they are mixed together to vanish the darkness around the mouth and also treat the dark skin. Apply the mixture and scrub it on the darkened parts near or around the mouth for best results.
By following the above mentioned natural treatments continuously, you could vanish the darkness around the mouth and lips.