Due to the restriction on eating and drinking before sunrise and after sunset during Ramadan, there is a significant risk of dehydration. Additionally, those who are fasting are advised to rise very early to consume their Suhoor. So the lack of sleep and dehydration can result in headaches. But if you eat the right foods in the right amounts, you can fast in a healthy way. If you haven’t fasted in a while and want to make this Ramadan count, this post is for you. Let’s look at some important fasting tips for Ramadan that you should be aware of.
Important fasting tips for Ramadan:
Never skip Suhoor (Pre-Dawn Meal)
The old phrase “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is true. It’s particularly crucial during Ramadan. Although it may sound good to skip Suhoor in order to get uninterrupted sleep, you shouldn’t. In order for your body to get all the calories and nutrients it needs for Iftar, you must eat Suhoor. So by skipping it you will lengthen your fast. You are more likely to experience fatigue and dehydration throughout the day because of the long hours of fasting. Aside from that, skipping Suhoor inspires excess eating at Iftar, which can result in unhealthful weight gain.
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Keep track on your blood sugar levels
This one is for people who have diabetes. The riskiest side effects of fasting are dehydration, low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemic events), and high blood sugar (hyperglycemic events). Be on the lookout for warnings of these, which may include ambiguity, a racing heartbeat, fainting, and blurred vision. It’s a common misconception that releasing any blood at all breaks a fast. But this is untrue for the majority of schools of thought. Testing your blood sugar levels does not break your fast.
Consume a nutritious diet
The most crucial fasting tip is to keep up a diet. You must pay close attention to your diet while fasting if you want to keep your body healthy and in balance. When breaking the fast and at dawn, eat foods that are high in fibre. Also eat foods high in protein, vitamins, nutrients, and complex carbs to keep your body healthy. Steer clear of fried foods and other items with a lot of oil in them. According to a recent study, foods with an elevated oil content can constrict blood vessels and make you drowsy during the day.
Ensure your body is adequately hydrated
Another essential fasting tip is to keep your body well-hydrated. Dehydration, headaches, dizziness, and mood disorders are just a few health issues that can arise when the body is dehydrated. You have to make sure you consume 8 glasses of mineral water per day. Or 2-3 litres for an adult, to ensure you are meeting your body’s fluid requirements. In addition to water, you should also consume ORS fluids to stay hydrated. And stay away from caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and fizzy drinks because they can dehydrate the body.
Try to stay as active as possible
You should also remember how crucial it is to exercise while fasting alongside the previous fasting tips. Make sure you engage in some form of physical activity every day for a minimum of 30 minutes. It doesn’t really have to take much time. Try walking, running or cycling, yoga, and other simple sports as some physical activities. Avoid working out throughout the day as it can make you more susceptible to becoming dehydrated. Alternatively, you could work out right after the morning prayer. Another common practice is to finish high-intensity exercises an hour after breaking the fast.
Keep in touch with your close ones
People are a necessary part of human life because we are social beings. Another important fasting advice that can make your fast go more smoothly is to maintain relationships with those who are closest to you. Get close to people who can help you grow spiritually. And help you worship more deeply by having a positive impact on you. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that spending time with people who are positive in attitude can shield the body from a number of illnesses. Some of them are a looming risk of death, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, respiratory problems, and many others.
How is your Ramadan fasting going so far? Let us know your experience! And don’t forget to read our other Ramadan-related articles too!
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