10 Interesting Things You can do to increase Your Focus if You are often distracted


You are sitting in front of your computer and trying to focus but a couple of hours have already passed. Your mind is wandering and you are distracted, despite your efforts, you just can’t concentrate. We have all been there. We have come up with 10 interesting things you can do to increase your focus if you are often distracted, read more to find out what they are.

Understand Your Distraction Triggers

There are a variety of things that can trigger distractions. It could be an external stimulus, like noise or something that’s going on around you. Or it could be an internal trigger, like your thoughts or emotions. Pay attention to what happens right before you get distracted, so you can start to identify your own personal triggers. Once you note down your triggers, you can begin to work on them.

One way to manage distraction triggers is to create a distraction-free environment for yourself. This might mean working in a quiet room with no distractions, or it could mean using headphones and blocking out all other noise. If you have trouble focusing because of internal triggers, like anxiety or intrusive thoughts, there are also some things you can do to help yourself. Practice relaxation techniques or mindfulness meditation to calm your mind and focus on the present moment. If you’re struggling with persistent distractions, talk to a therapist who can help you develop more effective coping strategies.

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Find Your Focus Zone

If you find yourself frequently distracted, it may be helpful to find your focus zone. This is the area where you feel most productive and focused. To find your focus zone, start by identifying the times of day when you feel most productive. Then, try to create a space that is conducive to productivity during those times. For example, if you find that you are most productive in the morning, try to set up a workspace in your home that is comfortable and well-lit. If you are someone who benefits from background noise, consider investing in a white noise machine or downloading a white noise app. Once you have identified your focus zone and created an environment that supports productivity, make a commitment to yourself to spend at least an hour or two each day working in this space.

Create a Productive Workspace

Creative workspace

Assuming you have a desk or table to work at, there are a few things you can do to set up a productive workspace.

First, make sure the surface is clear. Having a cluttered workspace can be distracting and make it harder to focus. So take a few minutes to declutter your desk before starting work.

Next, consider the lighting. Try to find a spot that has plenty of natural light. Studies have shown that natural light can help improve focus and boost productivity. If you can’t find a spot with natural light, make sure the artificial light in your workspace is not too bright or too dim.

Finally, think about the temperature of your workspace. Again, comfort can play a big role in how well you focus. If it’s too hot or too cold, you’ll likely be more distracted than if it’s just right. So find a comfortable temperature and stick with it while you’re working.

Set Realistic Goals

If you’re someone who is often easily distracted, it can be difficult to maintain focus on any one task. But there are some things you can do to help increase your focus and attention span. One of the essential things you can do is to set realistic goals for yourself. When you have a clear goal in mind, it’s easier to stay focused on the task at hand and not get sidetracked by other things.

Breaking down your goals into smaller, more manageable pieces can also help you stay focused. Rather than trying to accomplish everything at once, break your goals down into smaller steps that you can complete over time. This will help you stay on track and avoid getting overwhelmed by the task at hand.

Take Breaks Intentionally

We all know that we should take breaks, but sometimes it can be hard to actually do it. When we’re in the middle of something, it can feel like taking a break will just make us lose our momentum and make it harder to get back into the swing of things. But the truth is, taking breaks can actually help us to be more productive overall.

When we take breaks, it gives our brains a chance to rest and recharge. This can help us to come back to our work with fresh eyes and a new perspective. It can also help to prevent burnout. And if we take breaks that are active and engaging, like going for a walk or getting some fresh air, we can even increase our energy and focus.

So next time you feel yourself getting bogged down or distracted, instead of trying to push through, take a break intentionally. Step away from your work for a few minutes, and give yourself permission to relax and rejuvenate. You’ll be glad you did!

Change Your Environment

If you are finding it difficult to focus, one of the first things you can do is take a look at your environment. Is it conducive to concentration? If not, there are some easy changes you can make to help increase your focus.

First, consider the lighting in your space. Excessive light can be just as distracting as too little light. If possible, find a space that has natural light, or adjust the artificial lighting in your space to suit your needs.

Think about the noise level in your space. Too much noise can obviously be very distracting, so try to find a quiet spot if possible. If that’s not possible, consider using noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs to help block out distractions.

If you usually work from your home office, try working from a cafe. You can also create a secondary working space in your home (in your balcony or a corner of your living room).

Manage Your Time Wisely

If you find yourself frequently distracted, it’s important to learn how to manage your time wisely. This can help you increase your focus and get more done.

There are a few different ways to go about doing this. One way is to set a schedule for yourself and stick to it as much as possible. This means setting aside specific times for tasks and activities and then making sure you stick to that schedule.

Another way to manage your time wisely is to break up your tasks into smaller chunks. This can make them feel less overwhelming and more manageable. And it can also help you stay focused on each task since you’re not trying to do too much at once.

Make working out/ walking a priority

If you find yourself getting distracted easily, one of the best things you can do is to make working out or walking a priority. Getting some exercise will help to improve your focus and concentration. Plus, it’s a great way to de-stress and clears your mind. If you can’t get outside for a walk, try doing some exercises at home or in your office. Even just a few minutes of movement will make a difference.

Meditate for 5-10 mins every day

If you are finding it difficult to focus, one of the best things you can do is to meditate for 5-10 minutes every day. Meditation has been shown to be incredibly effective in improving focus and concentration.

When you meditate, you are training your mind to be more present and aware. This helps to quiet the internal chatter that can often lead to distraction. As you become more practized at meditation, you will find it easier to maintain focus for longer periods of time.

There are many different forms of meditation, you can choose one according to your preference. There are guided meditations available online and on apps like Headspace and Calm or you can find guided meditation even on YouTube. Or, you can simply sit quietly with your eyes closed and focus on your breath.

Don’t worry if it takes a little bit of practice to get the hang of it – just keep at it and soon you’ll be able to increase your focus and concentration in all areas of your life!

Focus on having healthy meals

If you’re someone who struggles with focus, one interesting thing you can do to increase your focus is to make sure you’re eating healthy meals. It’s been shown that what we eat can have a big impact on our ability to focus and concentrate. So, if you want to improve your focus, it’s worth paying attention to your diet.

Some foods that have been shown to improve focus and concentration include Omega 3 rich foods like salmon, nuts, and seeds; foods high in iron like leafy greens, beans, and tofu; and foods that contain magnesium like dark chocolate, avocados, and bananas. So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your focus, try incorporating some of these foods into your diet.


By implementing these 10 tips, you are well on your way to increased focus and productivity. Whether it’s through changing the environment you’re in, adopting a mindful approach or taking advantage of technology that can help with concentration – there is something out there for everyone. You may even find that by trying different techniques, you will discover which strategy works best for improving your ability to focus and get stuff done!

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