The stage with a lot of struggles. The one demands a great deal of change and real acceptance. The period with a hefty amount of responsibilities and meeting expectations. The period of skepticism or confusion. The actual tussle of acting mature. Challenge of societal pressure and the “unworthy verdict” by the jobless laymen. The uncertain decision to choose the voice of mind or soul. The ton load of insecurities we carry and sabotage ourselves. Enduring all the burden at once is neither easy to manage nor impossible. So, let us wear a smile and solve the pile of hurdles to reach our next mile of success. This article will revolve around younger adults dealing with their skeptical self- questions and normalizing self- disclosure.
Who are young adults?
Human beings aged from 19 to 40 years are considered younger adults as per Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory. So basically, this age is the experimental and also compulsive development one. People are more prone to hoarding disorder apparently more with negative emotions. The sixth stage of Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory talks about the younger adults and their stage of scepticism. The one with all incertitude and wordless emotions. The amount of ‘self-doubts’ because of the societal, parental, peer pressure and so on for a human at this point of time, results in wobbling life. Eventually leads to isolation, depression and confusion.
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‘Self-doubt’ – the sabotage:
First and foremost, importance to the “self”. This is a collection of self-acceptance, self-satisfaction, self-happiness, self–drive, self-determination, self-love, self-trust. On the contrary, to these, we hold the red flag of ‘self-doubt’ up high which is the ultimate suicidal bomb. We all should start believing that “Life is a progress and not a station”- Ralph Waldo Emerson. The blunder which we commit in this critical age period is getting “paused” in the struggle station for too long and ‘overthink’. The first step in the searching solution is to “accept the way we are physically and emotionally”. If you are fat, dark, skinny, disfigured, a mess-up person, unable to perform certain activities, a bad decision-maker or whatever, accept it instead of feeling shameful or insecure. The young adult period mostly revolves around insecurities and scary judgments. Hence, “Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” – J.K. Rowling. Adopt small and gradual lifestyle developments which ultimately reaps your confidence. The key to happiness is within us. Start working on self-development and ignore pleasing others. To quote an example the living world’s richest author J.K. Rowling faced numerous rejections in publishing her hit Harry Potter, but she was persistent and confident. If you are going through a tough time in your life, but working on something you really believe in, don’t give up. Who knows you might even end up breaking records.
“Me” time is a necessity:
Another most common attribute of people above the age of 25 is constantly trying to be strong. Being strong is always preached as not breaking down or shedding tears, rigid faces, fake smiles, no self-disclosure. But one should understand that being strong can sometimes be overwhelming too. Tears can bring us self-peace at hard times. For example, imagine a working-married-Indian-woman managing home, cooking, children, husband, job-related pressure all at once for years together and still being ‘strong’ as preached. One should understand that self-disclosing or taking a break and letting it all go is a necessity in their life. Some people feel that taking a break from the regular activity is all a waste of time or a sense of self-guilt. “Sometimes it takes an overwhelming breakdown to have an undeniable breakthrough” – unknown author.
Time to decide pal:
It’s time to decide that you are the most important in your life. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. Accept yourself for whom you are. ‘Self-approval and self-acceptance are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives’- Louise Hay.
– Prashannalakshmi Arumugam.
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